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Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch (2005)

"Some Legends Never Die."

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Action, Thriller, Horror

1h 25m

April, 2005

Language: EN

When a group of poachers is found mauled to death in the woods of the Pacific Northwest -- mirroring a grisly slaying that happened years ago, known as the "Echo Mountain Massacre" -- angry locals are convinced that the infamous Sasquatch is to blame. But that doesn't stop four passionate high school students from making a plea to spare the creature's life.


Karl Kozak


Dylan McKnight Richard Winslow
Brandon Henschel Jay Kelter
Miles O'Keeffe Ed Janzer
Jack Conley Sheriff Drake Kassel
Chelsea Hobbs Jenny Ackers
Casey LaBow Shea Landers
Nathaniel Arcand Ranger John Eagleheart
Michael Bailey Smith Manny
Cooper Huckabee Tom
Christian Boeving

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