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Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen (1981)

"Murderer who turn victim into human baked potato have real appetite for crime."

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Comedy, Thriller, Mystery

1h 37m

February, 1981

Language: EN

Famous detective Charlie Chan is called out of retirement to help a San Francisco detective solve a mysterious series of murders. With his bumbling grandson as his sidekick, Chan also encounters an old nemesis known as the Dragon Queen who is the prime suspect.


Clive Donner


Stan Burns
David Axlerod


Peter Ustinov Charlie Chan
Lee Grant Mrs. Sylvia Lupowitz
Angie Dickinson Dragon Queen
Michelle Pfeiffer Cordelia Farenington III
Brian Keith Police Chief Baxter
Roddy McDowall Gillespie
Rachel Roberts Mrs. Dangers
Paul Ryan Masten
Michael Fairman Bernard Lupowitz
Richard Hatch Lee Chan, Jr.
Johnny Sekka Stefan
Gerald Okamura Club Shanghai Bouncer

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