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Century (1993)

Average rating on Binge.
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Drama, Romance

1h 52m

December, 1993

Language: EN

Turn-of-the-century love story centered around a young doctor and the emergence of modern science.


Stephen Poliakoff


Charles Dance Professor Mandry
Clive Owen Paul Reisner
Miranda Richardson Clara
Robert Stephens Mr. Reisner
Joan Hickson Mrs. Whitweather
Lena Headey Miriam
Neil Stuke Felix
Liza Walker Katie
Joseph Bennett Edwin
Fiona Walker Mrs. Pritchard
Carlton Chance James
Graham Loughridge Theo
Lex Daniel Thomas (as Alexis Daniel)
Ian Shaw Meredith
Mark Strong Policeman
Bruce Alexander Interrogator
Anna Chancellor Woman in Police Station
Sarah Valentine Giggling Girl

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