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Cemetery Junction (2010)

"Be young. Be free. Be somebody."

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Drama, Comedy

1h 34m

April, 2010

Language: EN

In 1970s England, three blue-collar friends spend their days joking, drinking, fighting and chasing girls. Freddie wants to leave their working-class world but cool, charismatic Bruce and lovable loser Snork are happy with life the way it is. When Freddie gets a new job as a door-to-door salesman and bumps into his old school sweetheart Julie, the gang are forced to make choices that will change their lives for ever.


Stephen Merchant
Ricky Gervais


Christian Cooke Frederick "Freddie" Taylo...
Tom Hughes Bruce Pearson
Jack Doolan Snork
Felicity Jones Julie Kendrick
Ralph Fiennes Mr. Kendrick
Ricky Gervais Len Taylor
Emily Watson Mrs. Kendrick
Matthew Goode Mike Ramsay
Anne Reid Freddie's Gran
Steve Speirs Sgt. Wyn Davies
Julia Davis Mrs. Taylor
Francis Magee Mr. Pearson
Burn Gorman Renwick
David Earl Brian
Bryony Hannah Louise
Matthew Holness Band Leader
Michael Jibson Cliff
Albert Welling Mr. Waring
Katy Murphy Mrs. Waring

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Goran Radeski @goran_radeski

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