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Bright Angel (1990)

"Don't fall for someone who's got more troubles than you."

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Drama, Thriller

1h 33m

November, 1990

Language: EN

In Montana, naive teenager George longs to escape from his broken home before his dysfunctional parents push him over the edge. When George meets pretty drifter Lucy, she easily convinces him and his friend Claude to join her on a road trip to Montana in hopes of breaking her brother out of jail.


Michael Fields


Dermot Mulroney George Russell
Lili Taylor Lucy
Sam Shepard Jack Russell
Valerie Perrine Aileen Russell
Burt Young Art
Bill Pullman Bob
Benjamin Bratt Claude
Mary Kay Place Judy
Alex Bulltail Sherman
Delroy Lindo Harley
Sheila McCarthy Nina
Tom Dixon Meat Locker Owner
Lyle N. Cusson Drunk
Myrna Wilken Barmaid
Tom Connelley 1st Switchman
Ed Kraft 2nd Switchman
Joyce Rogers Proprietress
Julia Omvig Barmaid
Irving Jefferson Boxing Indian

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