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Breathe (2017)

"With her love, he lived"

Average rating on Binge.
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Drama, Romance

1h 58m

October, 2017

Language: EN

Based on the true story of Robin, a handsome, brilliant and adventurous man whose life takes a dramatic turn when polio leaves him paralyzed.


Andy Serkis


William Nicholson


Andrew Garfield Robin Cavendish
Claire Foy Diana Cavendish
Hugh Bonneville Teddy Hall
Tom Hollander Bloggs Blacker / David Bl...
Miranda Raison Mary Dawney
Diana Rigg Lady Neville
Ed Speleers Colin Campbell
Emily Grace Bevan Nurse Margaret
Ben Lloyd-Hughes Dr. Don McQueen
Roger Ashton-Griffiths Hospital Chaplain
Camilla Rutherford Katherine Robertson
Penny Downie Tid
Amit Shah Dr. James Khan
David Wilmot Paddy
Patrick Godfrey Mr. Tolland
Steven O'Donnell Harry Tennyson
Lorraine Ashbourne First Woman
Rosie Cavaliero Second Woman
Stephen Mangan Dr. Clement Aitken

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Marija Pavlovska @marufa
Andrea Paun Paunovski @Paunce
Cipri Allen @ciprix

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Andra Avasilcai @Aandra

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