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Breaking the Waves (1996)

"Love is a mighty power."

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Drama, Romance

2h 39m

May, 1996

Language: DA

In a small and conservative Scottish village, a woman's paralytic husband convinces her to have extramarital intercourse so she can tell him about it and give him a reason for living.


Lars von Trier


Emily Watson Bess McNeill
Stellan Skarsgård Jan Nyman
Katrin Cartlidge Dodo McNeill
Jean-Marc Barr Terry
Adrian Rawlins Dr. Richardson
Jonathan Hackett Priest
Sandra Voe Mother
Udo Kier Sadistic Sailor
Mikkel Gaup Pits
Roef Ragas Pim
Robert Robertson Chairman
Phil McCall Grandfather
Desmond Reilly An Elder
Sarah Gudgeon Sybilla
Finlay Welsh Coroner
David Gallacher Glasgow Doctor
Ray Jeffries Man on Bus
Owen Kavanagh Man at Lighthouse
Bob Docherty Man on Boat

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