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Blue Eyelids (2007)

Average rating on Binge.
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Drama, Romance

1h 38m

April, 2007

Language: ES

Marina wins a paradise vacation for two, but when she realizes that she has no one to bring along, she decides to invite a stranger named Victor. The pair soon discovers that true love depends more on compatibility rather than idyllic scenery.


Ernesto Contreras


Cecilia Suárez Marina Farfán
Enrique Arreola Víctor Mina
Ana Ofelia Murguía Lulita
Tiaré Scanda Lucía
Luisa Huertas Mercedes
Magali Boysselle Recepcionista Seguros Col...
Armando Casas Intendente Seguros Colind...
Laura de Ita Lola
Emma Dib Rita
Sandra Nori Agente de Bienes Raíces

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