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Bertie and Elizabeth (2002)

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Drama, Romance, History

2h 00m

July, 2002

Language: EN

The duke of York, nicknamed Bertie, was born as royal 'spare heir', younger brother to the prince of Wales, and thus expected to spend a relatively private life with his Scottish wife Elisabeth Bowes-Lyon and their daughters, in the shadow of their reigning father, George V, and next that of his elder brother who succeeded to the British throne as Edward VIII. However Edward decides to put his love for a divorced American, Wallis Simpson, above dynastic duty, and ends up abdicating the throne, which now falls to Bertie, who reigns as George VI.


Giles Foster


James Wilby King George VI, aka 'Bert...
Alan Bates King George V
Juliet Aubrey Queen Elizabeth
Eileen Atkins Queen Mary
Dolly Wells Princess Mary
Barbara Leigh-Hunt Lady Mabel Airlie
Charles Edwards David
Oliver Ford Davies Archbishop Lang
Deborah Cornelius Thelma Furness
Michael Elwyn Lionel Logue
Amber Sealey Wallis Simpson
Jeremy Child Sir Samuel Hoare
David Ryall Winston Churchill
Paul Brooke Tommy Lascelles
David Burke Lord Reith
Robert Hardy President Roosevelt
Jeremy Swift Royal Page
Helen Ryan Queen Wilhelmina
Joanna Hole East End woman

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