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Bent (1997)

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Drama, Romance, History

1h 45m

November, 1997

Language: EN

Max is a handsome young man who, after a fateful tryst with a German soldier, is forced to run for his life. Eventually Max is placed in a concentration camp where he pretends to be Jewish because in the eyes of the Nazis, gays are the lowest form of human being. But it takes a relationship with an openly gay prisoner to teach Max that without the love of another, life is not worth living.


Sean Mathias


Martin Sherman


Lothaire Bluteau Horst
Clive Owen Max
Brian Webber Rudy
Ian McKellen Uncle Freddie
Mick Jagger Greta / George
Paul Bettany Captain
Paul Kynman Corporal
Rupert Graves Officer on Train
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Wolf
Jude Law Stormtrooper
Richard Laing SS Guard
Crispian Belfrage SS Guard
Stefan Marling SS Captain
Suzanne Bertish Half-Woman - Half-Man
Gresby Nash Waiter
David Meyer Gestapo Man
Johanna Kirby Muttering Woman
David Phelan Fluff in Park
Holly Davidson Girl on Train

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