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Battlestar Galactica: The Plan (2009)

"They have a plan!"

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Drama, Action

1h 52m

October, 2009

Language: EN

When the initial Cylon attack against the Twelve Colonies fails to achieve complete extermination of human life as planned, twin Number Ones (Cavils) embedded on Galactica and Caprica must improvise to destroy the human survivors.


Edward James Olmos


Edward James Olmos Commander William Adama
Dean Stockwell Brother Cavil
Michael Trucco Samuel Anders
Grace Park Lt. Sharon 'Boomer' Valer...
Michael Hogan Colonel Saul Tigh
Callum Keith Rennie Leoben Conoy
Kate Vernon Ellen Tigh
Rick Worthy Simon
Lymari Nadal Giana O'Neill
Matthew Bennett Aaron Doral
Rekha Sharma Tory Foster
Tricia Helfer Number Six / Shelly Godfr...
Alisen Down Jean Barolay
Tiffany Lyndall-Knight Hybrid
Alonso Oyarzun Specialist Socinus
Colin Corrigan Nowart
Diego Diablo Del Mar Hillard
Aaron Douglas Chief Galen Tyrol
Maya Washington Sue Shaun

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