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Back to Gaya (2004)

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Fantasy, Animation

1h 31m

March, 2004

Language: EN

The beautiful world of Gaya is home to a community of creatures, known as the Snurks, who are much smaller than humans, but who have an uncanny resemblance to them. But the Snurks are facing imminent danger. Someone has stolen the magic stone called Dalamite without which this world is doomed. Two Snurks named Boo and Zino embark on a dangerous mission to track down and recover the stone. As they attempt to find the stone, their journey takes them into another world that is both strange and frightening!


Holger Tappe
Lenard Fritz Krawinkel


Don McEnery
Bob Shaw
Jan Berger


Michael Herbig Buu (voice)
Vanessa Petruo Alanta (voice)
Torsten Münchow Zino (voice)
Wolfgang Völz Mayor (voice)

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