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Antitrust (2001)

"Truth can be dangerous...Trust can be deadly."

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Drama, Action, Crime

1h 48m

January, 2001

Language: EN

A computer programmer's dream job at a hot Portland-based firm turns nightmarish when he discovers his boss has a secret and ruthless means of dispatching anti-trust problems.


Peter Howitt


Ryan Phillippe Milo Hoffman
Rachael Leigh Cook Lisa Calighan
Tim Robbins Gary Winston
Claire Forlani Alice Poulson
Richard Roundtree Lyle Barton
Tygh Runyan Larry Banks
Ned Bellamy Phil Grimes
Tyler Labine Redmond Schmeichel
Yee Jee Tso Teddy Chin
Nate Dushku Brian Bissel
Douglas McFerran Bob Shrot
Scott Bellis Randy Sheringham
Zahf Paroo Desi
Jonathon Young Stinky
Nathaniel DeVeaux Lawyer
Rick Worthy Shrot's Assistant
Ian Robison Lawyer
David Lovgren Danny Solskjær
Ed Beechner Ken Cosgrove

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