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Anon (2018)

"Anonymity is the enemy"

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1h 40m

May, 2018

Language: EN

Set in a near-future world where there is no privacy, ignorance or anonymity, our private memories are recorded and crime almost ceases to exist. In trying to solve a series of unsolved murders, Sal Frieland stumbles onto a young woman who appears to have subverted the system and disappeared. She has no identity, no history and no record. Sal realizes it may not be the end of crime but the beginning. Known only as 'The Girl', Sal must find her before he becomes the next victim.


Andrew Niccol


Clive Owen Sal Frieland
Amanda Seyfried The Girl
Colm Feore Charles Gattis
Mark O'Brien Cyrus Frear
Sonya Walger Kristen
Joe Pingue Lester Goodman
Iddo Goldberg Joseph Kenik
Afiya Bennett Ima Aug
Morgan Allen Iri Aug
Jeffrey Men Chen Sheng Lu
James Tam Wei Han Xu
Jonathan Potts Dominic Ray
Rachel Roberts Alysa Egorian
Toyin Ishola Chloe Benitez
Sebastian Pigott Detective Vardy
David Storch Karl Niedermeir
Billy Parrott Jason Carr
Amadou Kebe Theo Navas
Stephanie Christian Anna Pieters

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