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American Me (1992)

"In prison they are the law. On the streets they are the power."

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Drama, Crime

2h 05m

March, 1992

Language: EN

During his 18 years in Folsom Prison, street-gang leader Santana rules over all the drug-and-murder activities behind bars. Upon his release, Santana goes back to his old neighborhood, intending to lead a peaceful, crime-free life. But his old gang buddies force him back into his old habits.


Edward James Olmos


Floyd Mutrux
Desmond Nakano


Edward James Olmos Montoya Santana
William Forsythe J.D.
Pepe Serna Mundo
Panchito Gómez Young Montoya Santana
Steve Wilcox Young J.D.
Danny De La Paz Puppet
Sal Lopez Pedro Santana
Dyana Ortelli Yolanda
William Smith Deacon
Evelina Fernández Julie
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa El Japo
Daniel Villarreal Little Puppet
Daniel A. Haro Huero
Vira Montes Esperanza Santana
Richard Coca Young Mundo
Roberto Martín Márquez Acha
Joe Aubel Tattoo Artist
Rob Garrett Zoot Riot Bystander
Lance August Young Sailor

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