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America (2011)

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Drama, Thriller

1h 37m

March, 2011

Language: ES

América, a 30-year-old mother who lives in a remote Caribbean village, suffers the hardest hit when her lover takes her daughter from her. Fury and fear push her to run away. In her new life as a nanny in New York City, with support from relatives and other latinas, América finds comfort and hope. When she dares to dream of a life without violence, reality hunts her down. Will she survive to tell her story?


Sonia Fritz


Lymari Nadal America
Yancey Arias Correa
Rachel Ticotin Esther
Edward James Olmos Mr. Irving
Yareli Arizmendi Maria
Luis Gonzaga Policia
Talia Rothenberg Rosalinda
Monica Steuer Karen Leverett
Isaac Santiago NYC Cop #1
Isel Rodriguez
Eyra Agüero Joubert Lourdes

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