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Amber (1994)

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1h 31m

August, 1994

Language: ES

Old Max remembers the time as a child when he was taken to the jungle where he met a prophet, a circus man and other weird characters.


Luis Estrada


Luis Estrada
Jaime Sampietro
Hugo Hiriart


Gabriela Roel Amarilis
Angélica Aragón Armandina
Emilio Echevarría Capitán Borsac
Pedro Armendáriz Jr. Comisario
Ana Ofelia Murguía Frau Buschberger
Alicia Maguiña
Sasha Sokol
Muni Lubezki Max viejo
Martín Altomaro Max joven
Bruno Schwebel Ministro
Daniel Giménez Cacho Bufón
Diego Luna Muni Frahabarana
José Carlos Rodríguez Sir Alcofridas Nassier
Jorge Russek Corbett
Héctor Bonilla Claser-Kluski
Alfredo Sevilla Comlor
Alejandro Reyes Sami
Damián Alcázar Preso carcel 1

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