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Amazon Women on the Moon (1987)

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1h 25m

September, 1987

Language: EN

Acclaimed director John Landis (Animal House, The Blues Brothers) presents this madcap send-up of late night TV, low-budget sci-fi films and canned-laughter-filled sitcoms packed with off-the-wall sketches that will have you in stitches. Centered around a television station which features a 1950s-style sci-fi movie interspersed with a series of wild commercials, wacky shorts and weird specials, this lampoon of contemporary life and pop culture skewers some of the silliest spectacles ever created in the name of entertainment. A truly outrageous look at the best of the worst that television has to offer.


Carl Gottlieb
John Landis
Joe Dante
Peter Horton
Robert K. Weiss


Michelle Pfeiffer Brenda Landers
Peter Horton Harry Landers
Monique Gabrielle Taryn Steele
Steve Forrest Capt. Nelson
Griffin Dunne Doctor
Joey Travolta Butch
Sybil Danning Queen Lara
Forrest J. Ackerman U.S. President
Rosanna Arquette Karen
Ed Begley Jr. Griffin
Angel Tompkins First Lady
Kelly Preston Violet
Russ Meyer Video Salesman
Carrie Fisher Mary Brown
Marc McClure Ray
David Alan Grier Don Simmons
Lana Clarkson Alpha Beta
Joe Pantoliano Sy Swerdlow
Belinda Balaski Bernice Pitnik

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