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Aloha, Bobby and Rose (1975)

"Bobby has a '68 Camaro. Rose has a five-year-old kid. On their first date, they become lovers and fugitives."

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Drama, Romance

1h 28m

April, 1975

Language: EN

Bobby and Rose, two youngsters who are in love, have to run away from home when they are falsely accused to have committed a robbery and an assassination.


Floyd Mutrux


Paul Le Mat Bobby Eckert
Dianne Hull Rose Miller
Tim McIntire Buford
Leigh French Donna Sue
Martine Bartlett Rose's Mother
Noble Willingham Uncle Charlie
Robert Carradine Moxey
Eric Hines Erick
Mario Gallo Benny
Tony Gardenas Rafael
Edward James Olmos Chicano #1
Clifton Tip Fredell Chicano #2
Dorothy Love Motel Clerk
Janus Blythe Bar waitress / dancer
Randee Lynne Jensen Girl at Ice Rink

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