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After the Storm (2001)

"A tale of human nature rising to the surface."

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Drama, Action, Crime, Thriller

1h 39m

August, 2001

Language: EN

On the run from smugglers and the police, world-weary scavenger Arno (Benjamin Bratt) takes a job as a courier for a tycoon. But when the tycoon's yacht goes down in a storm, can Arno partner with a fellow sea scavenger to loot the ship's bounty? What awaits are diamonds, emeralds and gold. Guy Ferland directs this tropical noir film, which is based on a short story by Ernest Hemingway. Armand Assante co-stars.


Guy Ferland


Benjamin Bratt Arno
Mili Avital Coquina
Barbara Andres Grandma Driscoll
Armand Assante Jean-Pierre
Stephen Lang Sargeant Major Jim

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