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Absolutely Fabulous: The Last Shout (1996)

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1h 24m

November, 1996

Language: EN

Eddy and Patsy prepare to go on a skiing holiday to hopefully indulge in the jet-setting lifestyle of the international celebrity elite when Saffy is proposed to by her stuffy, upper-class boyfriend, Paolo. Eddy hits the slopes and has a near death experience where God appears to her and tells her it's not yet her time. When Eddy comes to, she waits for a sign that she should get involved in Saffy's wedding. As she returns to the house, it appears all hell has broken loose- relatives piling up, practically squatting, and Saffy about to lose her mind. Eddy calms her by throwing money at her as they bond together, planning Saffy's dream wedding. What could go wrong?


Bob Spiers


Jennifer Saunders Edina Monsoon
Joanna Lumley Patsy Stone
Julia Sawalha Saffron Monsoon
June Whitfield Mother
Tom Hollander Paolo
Christopher Malcolm Justin
Mo Gaffney Bo
Helen Lederer Catriona
Marianne Faithfull God
Carmen du Sautoy Kalishia (Klegg)
James Dreyfus Christopher
Kathy Burke Magda
Harriet Thorpe Fleur
Christopher Ryan Marshall
Gary Beadle Oliver
Dora Bryan Millie
Ed Devereaux Mac
Marcella Detroit Angel
Candida Gubbins Shop Assistant

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