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Abandon (2002)

"Watch who you leave behind."

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Drama, Thriller, Mystery

1h 39m

October, 2002

Language: EN

A psychological thriller about a senior at one of America's most prestigious universities. Under enormous pressure to complete her thesis and earn a top job at one of the world's most competitive consulting firms, Katie is still coping with the sudden unexplained disappearance of her first love two years prior. As the investigation continues, Katie is forced to choose between past passions and new possibilities, even as new facts are uncovered.


Stephen Gaghan


Katie Holmes Katie Burke
Benjamin Bratt Wade Handler
Charlie Hunnam Embry Larkin
Zooey Deschanel Samantha Harper
Fred Ward Lieutenant Bill Strayton
Mark Feuerstein Robert Hanson
Melanie Lynskey Mousy Julie
Philip Bosco Professor Jergensen
Gabriel Mann Harrison Hobart
Will McCormack August
Tony Goldwyn Dr. David Schaffer
Gabrielle Union Amanda Luttrell
Rachelle Lefevre Eager Beaver
Christopher Dyson Pirates of Penzance
Scott Faulconbridge Jed

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