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A Poet in New York (2014)

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1h 20m

April, 2014

Language: EN

In 1953 Dylan Thomas went to New York for the last time, his marriage a wreck, his drinking out of control. He was on his way to meet Stravinsky and to wallow in New York acclaim - but what was he escaping? How did such a triumph become a requiem? The last days of a great poet.


Aisling Walsh


Tom Hollander Dylan Thomas
Essie Davis Caitlin Thomas
Phoebe Fox Liz Reitell
Ewen Bremner John Malcolm Brinnin
Celt Llewelyn-Jones Young Dylan
Jamie Ballard Jerry Hart
Demetri Goritsas Dr Milton Feltenstein
Samantha Coughlan Sylvie
Naomi Everson Rollie McKenna
Jason May Longshoreman
Robert Blythe Dylan's Dad
Sharon Morgan Dylan's Mam
Nansi Rhys Adams Aeronwy Thomas
Robbie Lester Roy Poole
Morfydd Clark Nancy Wickwire
Lucinda O'Donnell Brazelle
Gruffydd Weston Skully
Wanda Opalinska Countess
Aimee-Ffion Edwards Marianne

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