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A Perfect Getaway (2009)

"Welcome to paradise. Enter at your own risk."

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Adventure, Thriller, Mystery

1h 38m

June, 2009

Language: EN

For their honeymoon, newlyweds Cliff and Cydney head to the tropical islands of Hawaii. While journeying through the paradisaical countryside the couple encounters Kale and Cleo, two disgruntled hitchhikers and Nick and Gina, two wild but well-meaning spirits who help guide them through the lush jungles. The picturesque waterfalls and scenic mountainsides quickly give way to terror when Cliff and Cydney learn of a grisly murder that occurred nearby and realize that they're being followed by chance acquaintances that suspiciously fit the description of the killers.


David Twohy


David Twohy


Steve Zahn Cliff
Milla Jovovich Cydney
Timothy Olyphant Nick
Kiele Sanchez Gina
Chris Hemsworth Kale
Marley Shelton Cleo
Holt McCallany Police Lieutenant
Anthony Ruivivar Chronic
Dale Dickey Earth Momma
Wendy Braun Debbie Mason / Clerk
Peter Navy Tuiasosopo Supply Guy
Jim Cruz Helicopter Pilot
Isaac Santiago Police shooter
Matt Birman Trekker

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Kiia Turkia @cskiia

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Igor Petrov @crysis7

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