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A Bug's Life (1998)

"An epic presentation of miniature proportions."

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Adventure, Comedy, Animation, Family

1h 35m

November, 1998

Language: EN

On behalf of "oppressed bugs everywhere," an inventive ant named Flik hires a troupe of warrior bugs to defend his bustling colony from a horde of freeloading grasshoppers led by the evil-minded Hopper.


John Lasseter


Andrew Stanton
Don McEnery
Bob Shaw


Dave Foley Flik (voice)
Kevin Spacey Hopper (voice)
Julia Louis-Dreyfus Atta (voice)
Phyllis Diller Queen (voice)
Richard Kind Molt (voice)
David Hyde Pierce Slim (voice)
Joe Ranft Heimlich (voice)
Denis Leary Francis (voice)
Jonathan Harris Manny (voice)
Madeline Kahn Gypsy Moth (voice)
Bonnie Hunt Rosie (voice)
Michael McShane Tuck / Roll (voice)
John Ratzenberger P.T. Flea (voice)
Brad Garrett Dim (voice)
Roddy McDowall Mr. Soil (voice)
Edie McClurg Dr. Flora (voice)
Alex Rocco Thorny (voice)
David Ossman Cornelius (voice)
Carlos Alazraqui Loco (voice)

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Andrea Paun Paunovski @Paunce
JoeyBag OfMovies @JoeyBagofMovies
Mister Skull @Mister_Skull
Panda Chan @pandachan

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