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12 Angry Men (1997)

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Drama, Crime, TV Movie

1h 57m

August, 1997

Language: EN

During the trial of a man accused of his father's murder, a lone juror takes a stand against the guilty verdict handed down by the others as a result of their preconceptions and prejudices.


William Friedkin


Reginald Rose


Courtney B. Vance Foreman
Ossie Davis Juror 2
George C. Scott Juror 3
Armin Mueller-Stahl Juror 4
Dorian Harewood Juror 5
James Gandolfini Juror 6
Tony Danza Juror 7
Jack Lemmon Juror 8
Hume Cronyn Juror 9
Mykelti Williamson Juror 10
Edward James Olmos Juror 11
William Petersen Juror 12
Mary McDonnell Judge
Tyrees Allen Guard
Douglas Spain The Accused

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